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Tile Testing Instruments

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Milestone Instruments
Tile Flexure Strength testing Machine

Tile Flexure Strength Testing Machine:-
This is a double lever (leverage 1:12) loading machine and the load is applied by flow of lead shots, which automatically stops when the sample breaks. The load is applied at rate of 450 to 550 N/minute (45 to 55 kg minute) or 2000 N/minute (200 Kg/minute) and the accuracy of load indication is ± 2%. The sample is mounted between rollers 40 mm dia or12 mm dia. Bearing Rollers can be placed at center distance of 150 mm, 200 mm, 250mm or 270mm as the case may be. Complete with 20 Kg lead shots.
Meets:- IS: 654, IS: 1237, IS: 1706