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Thermal Testing Instruments

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Milestone Instruments

Suitable for laboratories, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, dyes, glass plants etc. Used particularly for heating inflammable liquids. Electric heating net in hand knitted from glass yarn and there is no joint to maintain the strength of the yarm and stands high temperature upto 350ºC. The body of the mantle is spun one piece from mild sheet duty staving painted. All heating mantles are legged with special minerals wools to work on 220/230V AC supply.
Two Tumbler Capacity Rating
50ml & 100 ml 80 watts
250 ml & 500 ml 200 watts
01 Ltr. 300 watts
02 Ltr. 450 watts
03 Ltr. 500 watts
05 Ltr. 600 watts
10 Ltr. 2 x 600 watts
20 Ltr. 3 x 650 watts
50 Ltr. 5 x 650 watts
100 Ltr. 6 x 900 watts
200 Ltr. 9 x 900 watts