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Concrete Testing Instruments

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Milestone Instruments

Compression Testing Machines:-
Compressions testing machines is basically for testing of moulds of concrete and cement all size for compressive strength at site even in lab also.
Meets: IS: 516, BS: 1881, BS: 610
Milestone instruments offer following type of CTM.
1. Analogue modals.

Cat. No. Description
MI.CO-1007 Compression Testing Machine 1000kN manually operated, pressure gauge 0-1000kN x 5kN
MI.CO-1008 Compression Testing Machine 1000kN electrically operated, pressure gauge 0-1000kN x 5kN
MI.CO-1009 Compression Testing Machine 1500kN electrically operated, pressure gauge 0-1500kN x 10kN
MI.CO-1010 Compression Testing Machine 2000kN electrically operated, pressure gauge 0-2000kN x 10kN
MI.CO-1011 Compression Testing Machine 2000kN electrically operated, two pressure gauges 0-2000kN x 10kN and 0-1000kN x 5kN
MI.CO-1012 Compression Testing Machine 3000kN electrically operated, Single pressure gauges 0-3000 kN x 10kN,
MI.CO-1013 Compression Testing Machine 3000kN electrically operated, three pressure gauges 0-3000 kN x 10kN, 0-2000kN x10 kN and 0-1000kN x 5kN `
Note: - We have 50 KN and 500 KN CTM also.

Milestone Instruments
CTM 2000 KN
2. Digital Compression Testing Machines
The load is display in readout unit having 4 digit displays with the help of one pressure transducer.
Cat. No. Description
MI.CO-1014 Digital Compression Testing Machine 500 kN,
MI.CO-1015 Digital Compression Testing Machine 1000 kN,
MI.CO-1016 Digital Compression Testing Machine 1500 kN,
MI.CO-1017 Digital Compression Testing Machine 2000 kN,
MI.CO-1018 Digital Compression Testing Machine 3000 kN,