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Bitumin Testing Instruments

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Milestone Instruments
Ductility Testing Machine

Ductility Testing Machine,
Electrically operated and designed to test three specimens simultaneously. The machine consists of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear unit ensures smooth constant speed and continuous operation. The entire assembly is mounted with a copper lined water bath completely encased in metal bound hardwood. It is equipped with an electric pump circulator and heater. The temperature is controlled thermostatically. Two rates of travel i.e. 5 cm/min and 1 cm/min are provided. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC supply.
Meets: - IS: 1208, ASTM D113, AASHO T 51, BS: 710,
Complete with
We offer the following type for the ductility also.
Ductility Testing Machine, electrically Operated, Digital
Digital indicator is provided for temp. indicator
Ductility Testing Machine, electrically Operated,
It is fitted with refrigerated compressor and working temperature range 10 -30 Deg. C.
Meets: - IS-15462
Ductility Testing Machine, electrically Operated, (Auto reverse facility)
D.C. direct drive motor maintains constant speed, entirely vibration-free. Speeds of 1 or 5cm per minute are selected via lever shift on mechanical gearbox. Single brass lead screw mounted above water level prevents agitation of water and premature rupture of specimens.
Meets: - IS-15462
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